Lead service line contractor working toward 2024 replacement goals
The contractor working on the lead service line replacement plan says they’re on track to reaching their goals for 2024.
The contractor working on the lead service line replacement plan says they’re on track to reaching their goals for 2024.
Fifty-one homes in Wausau have had lead service lines replaced and 133 are expected to be replaced in August as part of a program funded by the federal government.
Wausau's Mayor Katie Rosenberg was featured on Spanning The State with Kristin Brey. She discussed CIP's EquiFlow program and the importance of removing lead pipes throughout her community and others in a similar situation. "One of the big things is that you have to think differently about these big projects, and also the money is there now. That's the urgency you're hearing from me. You have to get creative, you have to go fast, and you have to follow all the criteria when it comes to public projects. Do more than you thought you could."
State and federal grants helping Wausau replace 8,000 lead service lines
City leaders on Tuesday approved a partnership between the city of Wausau, the water commission and community infrastructure partners to replace thousands of lead service lines
Lead pipes that deliver drinking water to homes remain commonplace in many communities around the state — in Wausau, the city is gearing up efforts to replace all of these lines within five years.
Much of Wisconsin’s drinking water still flows through lead service lines. More than 150,000 lead pipes provide Wisconsinites with their water
Biden administration officials praised Wausau this week as an example of how to quickly and aggressively tackle water quality issues
Wisconsin still has at least 150,000 lead service lines going to homes, businesses, and schools statewide, including 8,000 alone throughout the City of Wausau
Representatives from the White House will be in Wausau Thursday to help kick off the city's effort to replace eight thousand lead service lines still in use in the city.
It's not everyday that Wausau gets a direct line to the White House, but Thursday, President Joe Biden's Senior Advisor was in town
Local, State, and Federal leaders officially started Wausau’s efforts to replace some 8,000 lead water pipes over the next five years
The first Community-Based P3 (CBP3) in the country has been agreed in a move that will see over 8,000 lead service lines replaced in a city in Wisconsin.